Monday, June 22, 2009


Ruth Sandra Sperling
RSS Designs In Fiber - Internet Shop of Handmade Items In Fibers

I believe in exercising my right to Vote -- and that includes on ETSY!!

ETSY has a Voter -- each week from Monday morning to the following Monday morning 7 days later, there is a Gallery of items you can view and then Vote on the one you prefer.

I have been following this fairly regularly for about the last month -- I think it is a great way to voice one's taste and help get the items you prefer on Etsy in the Gift Guides.

You see, that is what happens -- is a certain number of them who are at the top of the voting get into the Gift Guide for that theme.

The last few weeks when I voted, though I have never voted for the one that got the most votes, the one I voted for was up there in the top 10. I admit -- one time I didn't vote at all because I couldn't choose one item to vote for -- none of them were really to my taste, which is unusual!

I am a big fan of HANDMADE!! Been doing HANDMADE since I was a kid - maybe a toddler - got my first camera at 6!!

Anyway -- if you look at the picture (screen shot) at the top of this page, you will see an image of the Etsy Voter as I saw it this morning when I checked it - except one of the items has a red border on it -- that is my item that got put in this week's Voter:

I have included all the pictures of it in this post, so you can see it from different angles and get a good idea of what it is.

-- made in DMC Pearl Cotton size 8 in what I call "Shaded Blues" -- a high quality thread of variegated blues with white. It is shaped and stiffened with glue -- and has a blue satin ribbon running through it.

Blue and White is definitely AMERICANA!!

I am also a big supporter of our country -- its Constitution and its Bill of Rights -- I believe in Democracy -- and exercising your right to Vote!!

So, Please -- I invite you and encourage you to Vote in the Etsy Voter -- and exercise your right to vote your taste for what gets in the Gift Guides on ETSY!!

And special thanks to my Etsy Teams that do so much to back up and support me and my fellow team members on Etsy:


1 comment :

BarbaraCrochetStudio said...

Congratulations, Ruth!
I wish your basket makes to the top ten. :)
I visit the Etsy Voter quite often and vote but almost never voted for the item that got the most votes.
I hope this time will be different!
Good Luck!