Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WINTER in my corner of the Antelope Valley of Southern California

I got worried about how the birds were doing during these winter days -- rain was forecasted and I had heard the birds in some of the trees around my semi-rural town -- so I decided to fill the bird feeder in the tree in my front yard.

--- It took a couple of days or so before I noticed any birds feeding.

It had been a while since I had filled it --- but then they found it --- first it was just one bird at a time -- the first one I saw looked like a sparrow, but then I am not that good at recognizing the different birds, so I can't say for sure -- except for the obvious red-breasted robins, blue-jays and a raven or two (but they are so big, they get the feed that is on the ground).

Then, as the time went on -- more of the bird population in our area found it -- sitting on all sides and on top -- then flying around the feeder and the tree -- looked like a little competition for a perch on the feeder --- saw a little pecking here and there!!

Now I just need to keep it filled!!!

---- Maybe .... we'll have some baby birds come spring and summer!!!

-- And then our winter rains turned to snow this afternoon, covering our yard and trees with the snow's bright white -- this only happens occasionally in my corner of the world, so it is nice to see it when it does!!

Though the San Gabriel mountains have snow on their tops any of the time from October to as late as May -- down here in the lower foothills, I have seen winters with no snow at all -- or snow that melts as it hits the ground! But this year -- a-h-h -- actually I love it, but then I get to stay home and watch it and just go out in it as I please!!

Yesterday, my Rosemary plant had blue blossoms on it -- this afternoon it was covered with snow!!

Though I have seen birds feeding in the rain -- will they come with the snow? I didn't see any this afternoon, but I wasn't always watching -- there is a little food left in the feeder!

This small group of trees on the east side of the back yard -- frosted with snow -- I often hear birds when I am back there -- where do they go in this cold snow?

I just love this view of the snow-covered trees and fence in my small semi-rural town!

-- And the design of these snow-covered branches against the winter sky somehow appeals to the abstract artist in me -- the Art of Nature!!!

Inspired by Nature --- Loving it!!!

Watch for some new Designs In Fiber in my shop .... maybe its time to do some birds ... yes, in designs in fiber!!!!

Ruth Sandra Sperling
RSS Designs In Fiber - Internet Shop of Handmade Items In Fibers

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