Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Rose - the Flower of June

Ruth Sandra Sperling 
RSS Designs In Fiber
- Get My Handmade Designs on Bonanza - or on Etsy - or Privately

Ah-h-h - ROSES!!

Fiber Art Vase of Roses

They mean different things to different people.

They come in all different Sizes and Colors - and Shapes even!

They have been one of my favorite flowers since I was a little girl -- and for my birthday (which is in June!), I always got a vase of the miniature tea roses, which I loved!

What I have been doing since sometime in 2004 - is crocheting them - all types and sizes, some are "3-dimensional" with layers of petals -- and some are flat, but Roses I crochet!

The top photo above is a project I did last year which I blogged about then - I decided to kind of do the Crocheted Roses "free-form" -- and so they would look like the Cabbage Roses that grow wild around here where I live.


julie cavender said...

Those are beautiful. I love the one with the blue flowers and spiral center!

Ruth Sandra said...

Thanks, Julie! That one was a private Custom Order (not sold online) - they wanted one with the 3-D Roses done in that thread!